Coaching, mentoring, facilitating


Do you need gentle, but unyielding support to mirror your own life situation?

Hale is a change facilitator interested in management psychology, who challenges familiar models and helps companies to understand the core of their operations in a new way.  Several people interested in clarifying their own direction in life have received help and benefited from the mirror offered by Hale. His intention is to mentor while supporting the set intentions of the mentee, while aiming to create a space which enables the answers to the questions posed to be made visible.

Walking by your side

Mentor / facilitator
Hale challenges familiar models and helps organisations to understand the core of their operations in a new way. His method combines gentleness and unyieldingness, enabling profound change and the development of a new kind of connection within organizations and between individuals.

Hale's ability to see through human operating models and structures, to take the decision-maker and the person in a superior situation deep into questions of principles can be transformative for the company.

Leadership coach
Equal interaction and a deep understanding of one's own behavior patterns enable transformative change. Deep self-understanding and examination of one's own operating patterns open the possibility for change. A conscious leader who acts with compassion and inner wisdom can create a work culture where openness, truth and love guide the entire organization.

In Hale's coaching, the conversational way of working based on an equal interaction relationship creates the basis for an open and honest examination of deep subconscious ways of working and their reprogramming.
Transformation facilitation for companies and communities
Transformation facilitation can include work well-being days, which are tailored according to the customer's visions and needs. The content can include presence exercises, physical work, nature hikes, art and deep self-work in the form of, for example, a deep sound journey.

The implementation can be combined with leadership coaching and organized, for example, in cooperation with other welfare industry operators in an inspiring environment.

"All the wisdom is already within us, we just have to remove all the obstacles in front of  it." - Hale

This is how my mentees describe their experiences 

I have received valuable feedback about the type of experiences, where I have succeeded in walking along the mentees process firmly and reflecting the journey of the mentee with an insightful way to conduct conversations. Every journey is unique.
"I feel that working with Hale was a turning point in my own journey. His ability to support and reflect with great lightness and unprecedented speed in my case through big issues has been truly wholesome. Years of mental gymnastics gained speed and results. I have been able to mirror my true self and my own strength in a safe field where I don't feel that I am in any way too much. If you hear the call, I highly recommend following your heart. I myself am grateful that I did this."

This feedback was given in Finnish:

"Koen Halen kanssa työskentelyn olleen käänteentekevä kohta omalla matkallani. Hänen kykynsä kannatella ja peilata voimakkaan kevyesti sekä ennennäkemättömän nopeasti omalla kohdallani läpi isoista asioista, on ollut todella eheyttävää. Vuosia kestävään henkiseen jumppailuun tuli vauhtia ja tuloksia. Olen päässyt peilaamaan todellista itseäni ja omaa voimaani turvallisessa kentässä, jossa en koe olevani millään tavalla liikaa.  Jos kuulet kutsun, suosittelen lämpimästi seuraamaan sydäntäsi. Itse olen kiitollinen, että näin tein."
Mentoring services
– Marika Mustasilta
"Confounding, amazing. The skill of being able to lead me to the place where I can find the answer myself. You already know that because you've already been there yourself. Your loving attitude makes me feel very brave and sure that I want to experience it in myself. The fact that even though you know your own way there, you give me the freedom to find my own way. Gently poking, as you tend to say. It's just what I need. Your strong belief in your own competence also makes me believe in myself."

This feedback was given in Finnish

”Hämmentävää, hämmästyttävää. Se taito, että osaat johdatella mut siihen paikkaan mistä löydän itse sen vastauksen. Sä ite jo tiedät sen koska oot mennyt sinne jo itse. Sun rakkaudellinen suhtautuminen siihen, saa mut tuntemaan itseni hyvin rohkeaksi ja varmaksi siitä että haluan mennä sinne itsessäni. Se että vaikka tiedät oman tiesi sinne annat minulle vapauden löytää minun oman tieni. Lempeästi tökkien, niin kuin sinulla on tapana sanoa. Se on just se mitä tarvitsen. Sun vahva usko omaan osaamiseesi saa myös mut uskomaan itseeni.
Mentoring services
 human being 37 yrs
– olento 37 v.
"I felt really safe in Hale's treatment/mentoring, and that was the most important thing I needed in such a deep cleansing session. Hale knew how to facilitate such a space outside and inside me, from which I could calmly explore from the inside out, from the bottom up, the rising, painful things. In mentoring, Hale asked the very questions that subtly opened up the problems that had been locked inside me and that had plagued my everyday life. I felt that I gained such great insights from this coaching that they will certainly carry me for the rest of my life."

This feedback was given in Finnish.

"Koin oloni Halen hoidossa/mentoroinnissa todella turvalliseksi, ja se olikin tärkein asia jonka tarvitsin tällaisessa syväpuhdistavassa sessiossa. Hale osasi fasilitoida sellaisen tilan ulos sekä sisälleni, josta käsin pystyin rauhassa tutkailemaan sisältä ulos, alhaalta ylös, nousevia, kipeitä asioita. Mentoroinnissa Hale kysyi juuri niitä kysymyksiä, jotka hienovaraisesti avasivat sisälläni suljettuina olevia ongelmia, jotka olivat vaivanneet jokapäiväistä elämääni. Koin saavani tästä valmennuksesta niin isoja oivalluksia, että ne kantavat varmasti koko loppuelämäni."
Mentoring services
– female 20-30 yrs
– nainen 20-30 v.

Finding your strenght

In a safe and authentic presence, there is an unimaginable power to open up to one's own sensitivity and let it turn into strength.